How Can A Brand Tell Its Story?

Evolutionary psychologists have shown that the attraction of stories is due to the structure of our brain. According to the brain rules website, only 10% of people remember the information they heard after three days. But if you add a visual part – an image or a video, the indicator will reach 65% simultaneously. We will tell you how using this knowledge; you can make your site more memorable and attractive to the user.

Captivating stories are turned into screenplays, advertising campaigns, and marketing tools that aim to keep users’ attention longer. To do this, they try to connect the brand with the idea, emotional experience, and character in their videos, outdoor advertising, and website.

To build trust and bond with your audience, you need to connect with them on a deep level. One of the methods to achieve emotional impact is storytelling.

Storytelling in design transfers a large amount of information through a simple visual series. When creating an app or website, designers tell a story using visuals. A unique logo, page layout, shape, and chosen font can build momentum. The storytelling technique in design involves three main aspects. We’ll tell you how to work with them.

Emotional Perception

Stories can evoke different emotions, and any of them can be communicated through design. Storytelling plays a significant role in concept development, so the first step is to create an emotional connection to the product. The story’s characters and emotions form a language for communicating with the audience; this technique works for engagement.

The user experience can be compared to the flow of a story in a story or movie. The site needs some links that will intrigue the user. This causes a stronger connection between the consumer and the brand. The resulting report should be close to the user and valuable to him.

Addison Duval, in the article “Emotion & Storytelling: How Telling Stories Can Nail You More Clients,” says that storytelling is not a method; it is a process of user interaction with the site on an emotional level.
To know how to influence customers through design, the designer designs an empathy map and makes the user the story’s protagonist.

Empathy Map is a visualization of the main features of customers. It is a diagram in the center of which the user is depicted, and on opposite sides of it, there are blocks “think and feel,” “say” Conclusions are written in additional blocks – “problems and pain points” and “values ​​and achievements.” In his story, the designer must rely on elements with which the user can draw an analogy. Otherwise, the message will be lost. At the layouts stage, the designer determines the user’s mood using the font, colors, and interactive elements.

User Portrait As Character Creation

Any digital product has a message, and storytelling helps convey it to people more lively and excitingly. User experience, the story is revealed with each element of the site, and it must be told consistently and clearly at all stages.

A typical user is a character with specific characteristics and perception patterns of a product. Usually, only general characteristics are written for him, but storytelling helps to introduce these characters into the narrative. Whitney Cazenbury and Kevin Brooks note in their book Storytelling for UX that stories are a way to connect what you know about your users to the development process.

To improve the user experience, you can create a fictional character. He had a name, age, nationality, interests, goals, and difficulties. This is similar to identifying the target audience for UX research. Once you’ve created a character, it’s much easier to build a story around the features of a site or app. You must imagine the character’s path using the application and illustrate it authentically. For example, what his chat window with support would look like.

Not only your target audience but also some of the details of the concept that the user will interact with can behave like characters. The simplest example is a support chatbot on a website and personalized offers, where the communication level is fundamental.

Also Read: 5 Ways Private Instagram Viewers Can Help Your Brand

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