How To Defend Yourself From Online Scams

In This Article, We Will Provide You With A Complete Guide On How To Browse The Internet And Make Your Purchases Safely While Defending Yourself From Online Scams.

The boom in digital services has caused a marked increase in online scams, real virtual scams, more or less sophisticated, which can also cause considerable economic damage depending on the case. Obviously, most of the operators are serious and reliable, however,r it is important to know how to defend yourself, to protect your money and sensitive personal data. Here is everything you need to know about online scams, to understand how to protect yourself and browse online safely.

The Most Popular Online Scams

To avoid online scams it is important to know the most common scams, to gain greater awareness of the risks present on the web. Of course, there are several tools to protect yourself from digital fraud, however, it is essential to understand how cheaters 2.0 act, in order not to fall into the deceptions that other users have already found themselves in.

The Online Fake Lottery Scam

A fairly common scam concerns fake online lotteries, a fairly common and simple ploy to stage. In this case, the scammers send text messages or emails indicating an elusive win, usually in an unknown lottery or drawing or even from another country. Obviously, this is a scam, the purpose of which can be to steal personal data or request a small prepayment to redeem the sum.

The Web Scams Related To Online Dating

Today more and more sites and apps are used for dating, to find a soul mate, or simply to arrange a date with another single. However, not always on the other side of the screen is the person indicated by the profile photo, in fact, it is not uncommon for a real cheater to answer. The risk is to transfer confidential information or to send personal photos and videos that can be used for blackmail and extortion of money, a crime punishable by Italian law through the rules on revenge porn.

Online Identity Theft

The rise of online shopping is leading more and more people to buy products and services on the internet, however, you may receive a payment notification for an unauthorized purchase or loan installment. The event could hide identity theft, for example by a hacker or a scammer who bought our data on the dark web. Unfortunately, it is becoming a fairly frequent fraud nowadays, as we now put personal information all over the place, making it vulnerable to cybercrime.

The Fake Online Charity

Many users are inclined to help others, especially in the event of catastrophic events such as earthquakes or pandemics, or to support people suffering from diseases and diseases who have to face expensive surgery. In these cases, attention must be paid to those who promote fundraisers, as it may happen that behind a charity campaign there is a digital thug, who could exploit a situation of real need, or invent entirely the inconvenience, for example by using fake photos and fake social media profiles.

The Phishing Scam With Fake Websites

In recent years, reports of fake websites, often very similar to the original ones, have multiplied, making hundreds of digital users fall into deception. For example, fake portals of insurance companies, banks, online trading financial platforms, e-commerce, and many other services have been detected. Using a graphic close to the original one, these portals often manage to steal personal data, such as credit card numbers, passwords, or bank codes, using this information for illegal online purchases through phishing actions.

Beware Of Vishing, The Scam Of Scams

The phenomenon known as vishing, as similar to phishing, is the scam of scams since it is based on a double offense. First of all, the cheaters steal our data, then they exploit this information to trick passwords and access codes of payment instruments, usually by having these data dictated over the phone or using automated systems. Alternatively, a fake email may arrive from our bank, in which they warn us of the attempted theft and the need to confirm login credentials to protect the account or payment cards, while the scammers take this data and use it to clean up the account or make purchases at our expenses.

The Dangers Of Ransomware, Real And Bogus

Ransomware attacks are among the most dangerous, as hackers take their devices hostage and are willing to release them only upon payment of a ransom, usually in Bitcoin. Usually, this situation is related to malicious software, unknowingly downloaded while downloading online music or other documents. However, this threat is not always real, in fact, the cheater could send an email claiming to have control of the PC or smartpen reality it is not

The Online Scams Of Fake Influencers

The influencers are famous people on social we trust, especially when they have millions of followers and very active profiles. In any case, some fake accounts can be used for online scams, for example by inviting users to register for a special event, with reservations for a fee that is often not very high. Or they can organize fake contests, offering considerable prizes to those who register on a site by paying a small registration fee, scams that in a few days see both the alleged influencer and the money disappear.

What To Do When You Are The Victim Of An Online Scam

The best protection against online deception is obviously the prevention of scams, trying to avoid ending up in the hands of hackers and digital cheaters. However, this is not always possible, especially when the fraud is very structured and difficult to recognize.

In this case, it is necessary to report the scam online to the Postal Police, in fact on the official portal the User Safety Desk is available on the web at Commissariatodips. it, where you can find a dedicated section for this kind of event.

By clicking on the Reports item, various options are available for victims of virtual scams. One of these is online reporting, to bring to the attention of the Authority’s situations that require an investigation, to verify if an offense has been committed when you are not 100% sure of the illegality of the operation.

Alternatively, it is possible to report an electronic crime, if you are sure that you have suffered an action not permitted by law, however as soon as possible it is also necessary to file a report in person at the nearest police office.

Of course, this official act does not guarantee the recovery of money or personal data, on the contrary, it is often difficult to find the culprits, who in many cases do not even reside in Italy but are abroad. At the same time, even on social networks, it is difficult to remove unauthorized material or material that is harmful to one’s image.

The damages of an online scam can be quite huge, both economically and from a social point of view, for this reason, it is essential to protect yourself by always paying the utmost attention. huge, both economically and from a social point of view, for this reason, it is essential to protect yourself by always paying the utmost attention.

How To Defend Yourself From Online Scams

In order not to fall into web scams, it is necessary to take a series of precautions, always keeping vigilance high when using digital services

Never Provide Sensitive Data

On the internet, you should never provide your data, especially when it comes to sensitive information such as passwords and login credentials. No bank or company ever asks for this data, so when it happens it means it’s an online scam.

Use Different Passwords And Change Them Often

It is not very difficult for an average hacker to steal our passwords, which is why it is always necessary to use different codes for each type of service. In this way, if you are stolen, the attacker will not be able to access all accounts, and for greater protection, it is essential to change passwords often.

Never Click On Suspicious Links

The most frequent way for phishing attacks are links that hide viruses and malware, so be careful and never click on suspicious links, whose exact origin or identity of the author is unknown. This is especially true when they are inserted into emails, SMS, non-authoritative websites, and unverified social channels.

Install Quality Antivirus

Prevention always begins with the protection of connected electronic devices, therefore it is essential to install quality antivirus in all devices used, from smartphones to laptops. Often free programs are not enough, but it is preferable to buy efficient professional antivirus software.

Check The Credentials Of The Websites

To unmask fake websites, you must first check the URL, or the domain name of the portal, by searching on the internet to check that it is the official platform. Today, for example, websites must have the HTTPS certificate and the indication of the green padlock, otherwise, it means that they do not guarantee adequate security standards. You also need to pay attention to details, such as spelling errors or the presence of few web pages.

Always Enable Double Authentication

In order not to suffer theft of passwords or credit card numbers, or unauthorized entry into the email box or social profile, it is essential to always use two-factor authentication. Today, this standard is available across all online services, from messaging apps like WhatsApp to Gmail, additional protection that makes it harder to suffer from an online phishing scam.

Also Read: What Is WhatsApp Pink And Why It Is Dangerous

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