LinkedIn: An Investment In Social Capital Or A Platform Only For Finding A Job?

What if you need help finding a job with much experience and a good resume? What alternative platforms, besides other sites, can be used, and is it possible to find a job by correctly designing your “profile”?

Head-hunter Or Not? That Is The Question

It’s no secret that finding a new job is also a job.

Being engaged in targeted recruitment and career counselling, I often encounter cases when highly qualified specialists need help finding the desired job for several months. And this applies not only to novice specialists but also to top managers. However, candidates’ skills and personal qualities can often stand out in the market and anticipate the expectations of employers.

My employment experience and my candidates’ cases show that narrow search channels are one of the main reasons for the long search for the desired job. Most job seekers rely on Indeed, Glassdoor, and similar sites as the only tool available. In other words, the job search comes down to responding to vacancies.

However, the most common phrase I hear from job seekers is: “I respond, but no results.”

Why Is This Happening?

I will not explain the obvious reasons (“empty” resume, thoughtless responses, etc.)

Let’s imagine that the candidate’s resume  has a clear structure, detailed descriptions of each work experience, and relevant additional information about the applicant. Why, in this case, is there no feedback from employers and invitations for interviews?

Sometimes the number of responses reaches several hundred. Unfortunately, most of them are irrelevant (back to the topic of thoughtless responses from candidates). Therefore, a candidate suitable for a vacancy is often lost in a huge array of random “enthusiasts.” It’s a shame but a fact.

  • Vacancies for the sake of responses

Some companies publish vacancies to analyse the labour market or form a talent pool. Sometimes it even comes to interviews, but there is no vacant position. At best, everything ends with an established contact with an HR specialist, which is also good. The experience of interviewing and networking has not hurt anyone yet.

  • Picking trends

The recruitment process has changed: recruiters no longer rely on responses to vacancies but are looking for candidates themselves, establishing contact with them, and offering them a job. 

What to do? Write to HR representatives of the companies you want to work for yourself – this will increase the chances that your resume will be viewed. At the same time, it is important to observe tact and not throw letters daily to everyone involved in the company – this will have the opposite effect.

Also Read: Problems Of Remote Work Of IT- Specialists

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