machine learning

How To Run Tools On Kubernetes For Data Access

Presto and Hive Metastore in Kubernetes for data access To give analysts access to data, you can use Presto. It…

4 years ago

How Enterprises Are Implementing Artificial Intelligence: Build Your Own vs purchase

Artificial intelligence, such as the one used in Google's search function, is proliferating rapidly. Such systems can help evaluate customer…

4 years ago

The Lessons Learned Of Covid-19 For Cybersecurity

How business continuity plans and cybersecurity change in a pandemic era. Why rely on an MSSP Covid-19 has changed our…

4 years ago

APT Advanced Persistent Threat: what They Are, How They Work, And What Are The Precautions To Avoid Them

Although small in number, APT Advanced Persistent Threat can cause significant damage to the company. Here's how to counter them…

4 years ago